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To beat jetlag, especially while flying east, my strategy is to ensure I’m sufficiently tired upon reaching my destination at night. This involves either scheduling my arrival for the evening or adjusting my routine to the destination’s timezone right from the start of my journey.

How to minimize jetlag

Traveling across time zones can be a thrilling adventure, but it does come with its fair share of challenges, the most prominent one being jetlag. It’s like a nagging shadow that follows you around, threatening to dull your senses and dampen your enthusiasm just when you want to soak up every bit of the new place. It can be particularly challenging when trips are brief and I’m expected to jump back into work upon return. But over the years, I’ve developed a bit of a strategy to outsmart this unwelcome travel companion.

Whenever there’s a large time difference between my home and my destination, I prefer to book flights that arrive at night. This strategy, albeit simple, serves a dual purpose. First, by avoiding sleep during the flight, I start adjusting to the new time zone before I even land. It’s like tricking my body into believing it’s already in the new time zone. Taking frequent walks throughout the flight not only helps to keep me awake but also does wonders for my health, combating the negative effects of sitting in one place for extended periods.

Now, sometimes the ideal scenario of arriving at night doesn’t pan out. Flight schedules, commitments, or a myriad of other reasons can throw a wrench in those plans. In such cases, I focus on keeping my day filled to the brim with activities. Even if it means spending the day just walking around, exploring the city, or simply engaging in some light activity, the aim is to ensure I’m suitably tired by nightfall.

My plan might seem pretty straightforward, but it has worked wonders for me, enabling me to hit the ground running despite the time difference. The key is to stay proactive and consciously prepare your body for the impending change. The world is a fascinating place, and I firmly believe that nothing, not even jetlag, should stand in the way of fully experiencing all that it has to offer!